Islamization of Science

Samsul Fajri


This article reviews the Islamization of Science (Science). This research aims to illustrate the understanding, historical setting, goals, figures and steps of the Islamization of Science and its implications in the development of present-day thought. The research method used in this study is Qualitative research which is a literature research (Library Search) sourced from several journals and other literature coupled with the thoughts of previous and current scientists about Science. The result is a new thought about the Wahdatul Ulum Concept which proclaims thought there is no separation between Religion and Science because it originates from God Almighty who has assigned Man to be His Servant at the same time the Caliph in charge of propping the earth with the Science it tucked. Finally, the main impact of this research is to make a whole human being who is not only intelligent in a sense and reason called Fikr, but also lives his heart with the divine light of Zikir.

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