Application of Scientific Integration in Society (Study of the Life Journey of Sheikh Ismail Abdul Wahab)
Julika Sari Lubis
Sheikh Ismail Abdul Wahab is a scholar and Islamic figure who became a hero in the city of Tanjung Balai, because of his dedication in fighting for the independence of the city of Tanjungbalai and asahan. A prominent cleric who vehemently opposed Dutch colonialism, leading to the death penalty from Dutch colonialism. The influence of Sheikh Ismail Abdul Wahab both in the field of Islamic da'wah and education in the city of Tanjungbalai, even until now his dedication is still remembered by the people of Tanjungbalai City he has been designated as a hero in the city of Tanjungbalai also his name is used as the name of a street in the city of Tanjung Balai where, and every year also carried out haul by the city government of Tanjungbalai and Gubahan Islam.The purpose of this study is to motivate young people now This fosters environmental concern and practices the knowledge gained to the community. The research method used is a qualitative method with grend theory, discussion of scientific integration that can be taken from the life journey of Sheikh Ismail Abdul Wahab, which is seen from his extraordinary dedication from various aspects, both he is a scholar who has a very high nationalism spirit to oppose Dutch colonialism. Throughout his life, he prioritized the interests of the community, he had the spirit and passion of his struggle. Shaykh Ismail Abdul Wahab instilled in his students the spirit to sacrifice, to strive sincerely in service to society, demanding courage to act in the face of injustice, despite being faced with difficult challenges. The conclusion that can be drawn from the life journey of Sheikh Ismail Abdul Wahab is that he emphasized that the people are able to fight to achieve independence, have confidence in themselves, and carry the responsibility of defending the homeland and providing education in accordance with the needs of the community.
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