The Practice of Transdisciplinary Approach in Medice (Character Study dr. Syamsul Bahri Siregar, Sp.An)

Irvan Mangunsong


Today's transdisciplinary approach absolutely must be practiced in responding to various problems to find the best solution. Using one perspective in finding solutions to the problems faced is no longer relevant and will not provide optimal solutions. In this research, the figure of Dr. Syamsul Bahri Siregar as a research figure who has practiced a transdisciplinary approach in medical science with religious, educational, social and economic sciences to answer various problems so as to find the best solutions and significant changes. This research is a character study (individual life history) research using a qualitative approach method. There are two purposes of this research. First, to get to know the figure of dr. Syamsul Bahri Siregar who practices a transdisciplinary approach in medicine. Second, to motivate people to practice the transdisciplinary approach in their daily lives.

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