Educators in The Perspective of The Prophet's Hadisth

Samsul Rizal, Muhammad Najari, Hemawati Hemawati, Syahrin Pasaribu


Humans are human beings who already have the provisions to be able to develop as the verse of the Qur'an in Surah an Nahl verse 78, which states that humans are.born in a state of not knowing anything, but equipped with hearing, sight, and conscience, so that you may be grateful With this provision, it is hoped that humans can learn and develop their own provisions, so that later you can be grateful. With this paper, it is hoped that it can be a guide and basis for educators in teaching education to their students. An educator is every adult whose religious obligation is to be responsible for the education of himself and others. The responsibility of educators is to educate individuals to believe in Allah and carry out His Shari'ah, educate themselves to do good deeds, and educate the public to advise each other in carrying out the truth, advise each other to be steadfast in the face of adversity, worship Allah and uphold the truth. Educators in the perspective of the Prophet's Hadith, namely educators who have the following attitudes: Al-Amanah (trustworthy), As-Shidiq (honest), Al-Ukhuwwah (a sense of brotherhood), Al-'Adl (fair), Al-'Afwu (forgiving) , Al-Haya' (shame), Ar-Rahman (compassion), As-Shabr (patient). At-Ta'awun  (help).

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