The Essence Of Tourism In The Shariah Region In Responding Change In Global Communities

Jasafat Jasafat, Farid Wajdi Ibrahim, Ridwan Hasan


The essence of Sharia tourism is a journey of entertaining oneself according to Islamic law but until now has not been found in Aceh. The argument. First, Aceh as the Veranda of Mecca. Second, the Government of Aceh needs a Sharia tourism model. This paper is to find the essence of Sharia tourism. Qualitative data from six respondents from the tourism department, Customary Institution and Islamic sharia service to obtain the essence of tourism in the Sharia region. The results show that the issue of Sharia tourism attracts the attention of outside travelers. The formula for tourism essence has not yet been found to form a Sharia tourism model. The synergy of traditional institutions, the Islamic Shariah office and the tourism office have not yet been synergized in maximizing the implementation of Sharia tourism in Aceh. The author believes this study is new because it sees the essence of tourism in the Shariah area through the behaviorism approach. This finding can be used by parties to strengthen Sharia tourism practices in Aceh. The essence of Sharia tourism in Aceh can be a stimulus in encouraging public awareness in strengthening religious beliefs in response to changes in global behavior.

Keywords: the essence of sharia tourism in change.


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