Group Communication from an Islamic Perspective in Disseminating Development Innovations at the Communications and Informatics Service of North Sumatra Province

Muhammad Alfikri


The purpose of this study was to examine group communication in an Islamic perspective. This type of research is a qualitative descriptive study. Data collection techniques are carried out by means of interviews, observations, and documentation, then processed and analyzed qualitatively with the first step of reducing, presenting the data, and then drawing conclusions. The results of this study found that Islamic communication carried out by the North Sumatra Communication and Information Office was to identify all opportunities and obstacles, develop plans or a series of activities in achieving goals by consensus and mutual deliberation in accordance with Islamic principles. The organization of Islamic communication in groups is carried out by dividing and detailing all tasks or jobs that must be carried out by each employee at Kominfo North Sumatra.

Keywords: Communication, Group, Innovation, Development, Islamic

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