Eswin Syahputra, Irpan Nursukmi, Sony Putra, Bayu Sukma Sani, Rian Farta Wijaya


Blink detection is an important technique in a variety of settings, including facial motion analysis and signal processing.  However, automatic blink detection is challenging due to its blink rate. This paper proposes a real-time method for detecting eye blinks in a video series. The method is based on automatic facial landmark detection trained on real-world datasets and demonstrates robustness against various environmental factors, including lighting conditions, facial emotions, and head position. The proposed algorithm calculates the position of facial landmarks, extracts scalar values using the Eye Aspect Ratio (EAR), and characterises eye proximity in each frame. For each video frame, the proposed method calculates the location of the facial landmark and extracts the vertical distance between the eyelids using the position of the facial landmark. Blinks are detected by using the EAR threshold value and recognising the pattern of EAR values in a short temporal window. According to the results from a common data set, it is shown that the proposed approach is more efficient than state-of-the-art techniques.


Blink Detections, Eye Aspect Ratio, Eye Blink, Facial Landmarks, Dlib

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30829/zero.v6i2.14751


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Department of Mathematics
Faculty of Science and Technology
Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara Medan 

Email: mtk.saintek@uinsu.ac.id