Elis Anggeria




Breast cancer is a tumor (cancer) that is originated from the malignant breast cells. The psychological impact inflicted such losses and changes in sense of comfort resulting from the symptoms of the disease or its treatment. This study aims to determine the relationship between psychology and personal hygiene of breast cancer patients at the Hospital of Dr. Pirngadi Medan in 2016.

This research used descriptive correlative with cross sectional design. The population of this study were 48 people, drawn by purposive sampling technique. The samples obtained were 43 people.

The results of the psychological research on breast cancer patients showed that psychological occured on 35 people (81.40%) and severe psychological were 8 people (18.60%). Results of research on breast cancer patients and personal hygiene were 25 people (58.14%), lack of personal hygiene on 18 people (41.86%). Based on Spearman Rank correlation test on the relationship between psychology and personal hygiene on breast cancer patients with a significance level (α <0.05) was 0.32 and Sig. (2-tailed) 0.03, meaning there is a relationship between psychology and personal hygiene on breast cancer patients.

In conclusion, there is a psychological relationship between personal hygiene on breast cancer patients at the Hospital of Dr. Pirngadi Medan in 2016. It is expected that the hospital can improve the quality of health services, nurses pay more attention to aspects of bio, psycho, socio, and spiritual, assistance and provide motivation in the fulfillment of basic needs and maintain personal hygiene breast cancer patients.


Keywords: Psychological, Personal Hygiene, Breast Cancer Patients


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