Joharis Lubis, Abdillah Abdillah


This study aims to look at the extent of organizational culture that runs in Senior High Schools in the city of Medan; The aspects seen are discipline enforcement, togetherness, appreciation for work and communication. This study also looks at the supporting and inhibiting factors in creating a good organizational culture. This Study used descriptive approach. The population of the study was Public Senior High School teachers in Medan City, comprised of 1417 teachers. Purposive cluster sampling technique was applied with a total sample of 303 teachers at the sample. The research instrument was Interview and a questionnaire with Likert scale model. The research data were processed and analyzed by descriptive statistics The results of his research revealed that there were 163 teachers or 36.96% of respondents included in the low group; as many as 66 teachers or 21.78% of respondents fall into the medium group; as many as 125 teachers or 41.25% of the respondents belong to the high group. The dominant supporting factors for the creation of a good organization culture are twofold, first, fair leadership; and secondly teacher awareness of their duties and functions as professional educators. While the inhibiting factor is leadership that is not going well and individualistic teachers

Keyword: Dynamics, Organizational Climate, State Senior High School. 

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