Yusnida Wati Hasibuan


Competencies that must be possessed by educators are competencies as learning agents, namely the ability of educators to act as facilitators, motivators, motivators and inspirational learners for students. With the fact that there are still many teachers' abilities in implementing learning are still low, and teachers do not understand the most appropriate learning methods yet. Without good knowledge and skills in choosing and using learning methods, it is very difficult for the quality of teaching and educational outcomes to be achieved properly according to the school-based level curriculum standards. This study aims to determine pedagogical competence in Islamic learning through the understanding of the participants of the students, as well as the development of the curriculum taught. The results of this study provided an understanding of teachers in using pedagogical competencies that are appropriate to the situation of children in the classroom, so that children do not feel bored

Keyword: Islamic Religious Education, Pedagogical Competence, Teacher. 

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