Sulaiman Ismail


The Leadership in the perspective of Islamic education is not only a discussion of how the implementation of one's leadership, but also includes the regeneration of leadership. Efforts to create and prepare prospective future leaders must begin from the educational process, how the authorities can embrace each component of education, starting from educators, parents, the community to practice Islamic values in order to realize the character of the leader to students. Most articles related to leadership tend to discuss the concept of behaviour and efforts or managerial of a leader in carrying out his leadership duties, while in the perspective of Islamic education, the researcher saw the importance of leadership education, through the building of the character of educators who are trustworthy, responsible, honest and fair in education. Models of leadership education in the classroom, school and among community based role models are believed can create the educational institution outputs which is not only individually useful, but also socially beneficial since they have been trained as potential leaders with Islamic values. Therefore that leadership training will be able to minimize and eliminate the crisis of trust and failure in achieving educational goals.

Keyword: Islamic Education, Leadership. 

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