Siti Rahmayani


Counseling is a process of assistance given by a counselor to help his client in overcoming a problem, so that the client can solve his own problems properly. Whereas, Islamic counseling is a process of assistance provided by a counselor to help deal with client problems in accordance with the teachings of Islam. Adolescence is a period that is feared by parents, where this period is a time of rebellion for teenagers who do not want to be regulated by their parents. In adolescence, they prefer to explore what they like and do not want to be limited by anyone. The process occurs when the environment is mutually supportive, from that environment good and bad teenage characters also occur. With this counseling, young people can overcome their problems and give good advice in accordance with the teachings of Islam, so that young people do not fall prey to things that are not good. This study aims to restore the character of good teenagers and not deviate from bad things, in accordance with the teachings of Islam.

Keyword: Environment, Islamic Counseling, Juvenile Delinquency. 

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