Saidatul Khairiyah


Text book is an important component in teaching-learning activities. Its function is as a source of learnig and/or teaching material in the learning process. According to Permendiknas No. 2 of 2008, textbook are compulsory references in educational units containing subject matter. The existence of a textbook in the learning process is very important both for student as supporting learnig and also for the teacher as a syllabus. Therefor, as an important componenet in a learning process, the provision of a textbook must be considered. Its quality must be good. Various components must be considered in the preparation of a textbook. The appropriateness of the textbook’s contents with the lesson material must be relevant. Besides, the language aspect also cannot be ignored. Therefore, the availability of a good quality textbook is the responsibility of various related parties, such as government, writers, and publisher. In the process of providing a textbook, the role of publisher cannot be ruled out, because, without a publisher, the textbook cannot be publish. Publisher must not be profit-oriented only, because the quality of textbook will be the determining success or failure of an educational process.
Keyword: Education quality, publisher, teaching-learning activities, textbook

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