Nurmala Nurmala


The purpose of this research is to determine the Effectiveness of Madrasa Principal Performance in Improving Teacher Work Motivation in MIS Al-Muslimin with the scope: 1) to find out the role of the madrasa principal as educator in MIS Al-Muslimin, 2) to know the role of madrasa principal as manager in MIS Al-Muslimin, 3) to find out the role of madrasa principal as administrator in MIS Al-Muslimin, 4) to find out the role madrasa principal as supervisor in MIS Al-Muslimin, 5) to find out the role of madrasa principal as leader in AL-Muslimin MIS, 6) to find out the role of madrasa principal as innovator leader in MIS AL-Muslimin, 7) to find out the role of madrasa principal as motivator at MIS AL-Muslimin. This study applied qualitative research methods. Data were collected through interview, observation and document study techniques. Data analysis techniques were data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusion. The results of the study found that the role of the madrasa principal as a motivator at MIS AL-Muslimin is to create work atmosphere settings and encouragement to improve the morale of the teachers. Setting the work atmosphere is to foster a good and harmonious work atmosphere. The madrasa principal also fosters openness towards the teacher by being friendly to the teacher, greeting the teacher regardless of rank. Thus, the teacher does not feel afraid because he considers as superiors with subordinates, but the teacher can assume as people who have the same goals which can then unite to achieve these shared goals. Moreover, encouraging to increase the morale of the teachers, the principal provides vacation time for teachers and other staff, by taking trips to the beach, waterboom and other recreational areas which is done every early semester of new student admissions. Those ways help the teachers to be more motivated in carrying out their duties and responsibilities.
Keyword: Effectiveness, Madrasa Head Performance, Work Motivation.

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