Muhammad Rizqi Febri Hamdani


The purpose of this study is to determine the communication of Madrasa principal in improving the quality of teachers at MIS YPI Islamiyah, namaly 1) to find out the communication of the headmaster with staff employees in improving the quality of teachers in MIS YPI Islamiyah, 2) to find out the communication of the headmaster with the teacher in improving the quality of the teacher in MIS YPI Islamiyah, 3) to find out the communication between the headmaster and supervisors in improving the quality of teachers in MIS YPI Islamiyah. The method used in this studywas qualitative method. Data were collected through interview, observation and document study techniques. Data were analyzed by data reduction, data presentation, drawing conclusion. The implementation of communication between the headmaster and staff, teachers and supervisors runs smoothly, has a good atmosphere, and communication is carried out using verbal and written communication. Communication is the basic joint of a social interaction between one another, helping one another, giving and receiving, and interdependence. The point is by communicating there will be an understanding or mutual understanding between one another. In educational institutions, there is a headmaster, staff, education supervisors, teachers and even students. This communication is established between the headmaster with the staff to achieve the expected goals in the vision and mission of MIS YPI Islamiyah

Keyword: Teacher Quality, The Communication of Headmaster.

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