Fitri Aisyah Ritonga


Communication strategies have two different basic concepts, namely planning and communication. Planning is closer to the management aspect while the concept of communication is seen from the process of disseminating information. In addition to developing strategies, management is needed as a supporting factor for these changes. Before the strategy is formulated, we must first consider who will be the communicator, what message will be delivered, who will be the target of the communicant, what channels will be used, and what results will be obtained. that the communication strategy starts with planning and management to achieve a goal. Islamic management must be based on the ethics and religious values that both want to develop professionally following agreed-upon science. This is based on honesty and trust by management. In addition to the formulation of a strategy to improve the management of Islamic education, there must be activities to apply it to support the effectiveness of the strategies that have been prepared.
Keyword: Communication Strategy, Islamic Education Management

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