Faisal Musa


Abstract: Regional autonomy that matches the rights, authority and area is approved and managed by the house in accordance with the laws and regulations. Education management in Indonesia during the new order was approved before the enactment of Law number 22 of 1999 and Law number 20/2003 on Regional Autonomy, understood to be passive-active, not independent, and did not support freedom in discussing educational institutions. The implementation of regional autonomy provides great space and opportunities for local governments, communities, and the interests of education for their households in terms of education services. Increasing the role of local governments and communities in education, priorities in terms of education, is expected to improve education provided adequate empowerment space to achieve better national education goals. With regional autonomy and education will be able to improve education if done properly, in accordance with procedures and a good budget management system, which contains planning, organizing, implementing and reporting.
Keyword:Educational Financing, Educational Performance, Regional Autonomy

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