Abdurrahman Abdurrahman


Abstract: This paper is a result of field research on guidance and counseling management at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Medan with qualitative methods. This study aims to reveal how management elements such as Planning, Organizing, Implementation, and Supervision become a design of the guidance and counseling implementation by guidance and counseling teachers. Based on the research analysis, guidance and counseling teachers make plans consisting of annual, semester, monthly, weekly and daily programs to then create a duplicated program from the previous year's program and there is relatively no modification as required by students' needs and Madrasah abilities and does not pay attention to needs assessment. The management elements have not been used by the madrasa as the guidance and counseling management parameters, in this case many factors are the cause. The leader's vision and mission, which have not been supported by an understanding of what and how important management is in an organization, it is a central issue besides the small sense of responsibility for one job. Organizing goes without clear direction. Professionalism of guidance and counseling teacher and limited funds to be a complementary factor. Furthermore, the supervision has not been carried out holistically and integratively.
Keyword: Management, Guidance and Counseling.

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