Abdul Salam Pulungan


Abstract: The first step to pay attention in structuring Islamic education is obligated to analyze the aspects of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The first is Islamic education [pesantren and madrasa (schools characterized by Islam) and universities] is greater than 80% managed by the private sector. In its management, more trust and respect for scholars believes that teachers teach something that is true, religious vocation, worship, sincere, cheap, and populist. This is a strength in the management of Islamic education. The second is weakness that Islamic education is weak, unprofessional almost in all sectors and components, stressed, oscillating between their identities, whether they join the public school model or between participating in the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Religion. There is no solid system in developing models of religious education. The third is the opportunity that in Law No. 20 th. 2003 provides an opportunity or momentum for the development of religious and religious education. Islamic education is recognized the same as other education. The fourth is the threat that many other educational institutions are more resilient and quality, science and technology that are developing very rapidly have not been overtaken by Islamic education. Islamic education has lost its identity, Islamic education has always been a second class citizen, uprooted from the cultural roots of the Muslim community.
Keyword: Indonesia, Islamic education, mapping, problems

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