M. Ridwan Hisda


ABSTRACT: The object of this research is that some people Lecturer, Dean and Vice Dean of the Faculty
of Islamic Studies University Dharmawangsa, Rector and Vice-Rector, Head of the Education Foundation
Dharmawangsa, some students of Faculty of Islamic Studies University Dharmawangsa, Secretary of the
Foundation, Treasurer Education Foundation Dharmawangsa that can provide information to The importance
of this study. By using Snowball Sampling technique, that is by selecting several people of
research object in chains, after the data is considered saturated / enough, the number of research subject
is stopped. Data collection in this study, using the system of interviews and observation, as well as study
documents (library research).The results showed that learning implementation interpretation of the
Koran on Faultas Islamic University Dharmawangsa Medan, run smoothly for both the learning objective
interpretation of the Koran, lesson planning, teaching methodology, syllabus, lectures and evaluation
system is applied, is in conformity with the Standard Operational Procedures (SOP), which Shall be
guided by Law no. 55 of 2007 on religious and religious education, explained that religious education
aims to live, and practice religious values that harmonize their mastery in science, technology and art.
To the students of Faculty of Islamic Studies University Dharmawangsa Medan, is equipped with the
knowledge of the Koran, such as the science of interpretation of the Koran, which is how to understand the
meaning of interpretation of the Koran, the method learning methods interpretation of the Koran, science
the other sciences in order to study interpretation of the Koran, such as science balaghah, science tools,
qawa’id, and morals of the Qur’an, while the learning function interpretation of the Koran, so students do
not get stuck on the error - error in the understanding of the Koran, what its practices.This study aims to
determine how the implementation of the Koran Interpretation Learning the Faculty of Islamic Studies
University Dharmawangsa Medan, what is the purpose of learning the Koran Tafsir, how prencanaanya,
whether it is in accordance with the Decree of the Directorate of High No. 43 / DIKTI / Kep. / 2006, on
Islamic Religious Education in Lembga - formal institutions starting from elementary, junior high, high
school, and college level. How syllabus perkuliahnnya, systems and methods are used, how the evaluation
systems are applied, as well as the factors - factors that support and hinder the implementation of
Qur’anic Tafsir learning at Faculty of Islamic Studies University Dharmawangsa Medan.

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