Muhammad Azwar Effendi Ammar


Abstract: This research is generally intended to describe the Implementation of PAI Teacher Personality
Competence in Private Elementary School Bakti Luhur Medan. However, in particular this study aims to
describe the implementation of personality competence of PAI teachers in Private Primary School Bakti
Luhur Medan, with details to describe: 1) How PAI teachers display honest personality, noble character
and role model for learners 2) PAI teachers show a steady, stable, mature, wise, and dignified personality
and community, 3) How important and meaningful is the work ethic, responsibility, and pride of being
the PAI teacher for the PAI teacher. The type of research used in this thesis uses qualitative research
methods and approaches conducted using naturalistic approaches. The informants in this study are PAI
teachers, principals, private primary school Bakti Luhur Medan, and two other informants namely PKS
I in the field of curriculum and PKS II student field. Data obtained from two sources are primary data
sources and secondary data sources with data collection techniques through observation, interviews (free
interview, guided interviews and free guided interviews) and documentation. The data analysis technique
is done by data reduction, categorization, sintesisasi, arranging work hypothesis. To ensure the validity of
the data, the researcher uses in-depth observation, triangulation (triangulation data, triangulation by
method, and source triangulation) is defined as data collection techniques that combine from various
data collection techniques and data sources that already exist.

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