Nora Sopiah


Abstract: Learning is one part of determining whether or not good alumni produced in a school. Welldesigned
and well-designed learning will surely produce competent alumni. One of the lessons currently
being developed in Indonesia is PAIKEM learning (Active, Innovative, Creative, Effective, and Joyful Learning),
but in reality there are still many schools that have not been able to implement this model optimally.
Researchers choose Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri Medan West as a place of research because it saw Madrasah
Ibtidaiyah Negeri Medan West has implemented this model and see much progress gained. The design of
PAIKEM model implemented in West Medan State Junior High School gets better after partnering with
USAID (United State Agency for International Development) by implementing learning programs that are
packed in module form. PAIKEM model design (Active, Innovative, Creative, Effective, and Joyful Learning)
West Medan can not only be used in the form of general lessons, but can also be used in the formation of
morals. This is caused by implementing PAIKEM model design (Active, Innovative, Creative, Effective, and
Exciting Learning, students do not feel bored, do not feel bored in following learning because of boredom,
boredom that often trigger students morality is not good.

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