Syaukani, Neliwati, Muhammad Ruslan


Abstract: This research aims to describe the Tahfizh Qur’an Quarantine Program at the Inlight Quranic
Center, Baitul Quran Medan, and the Tahfidzul Quran Al-Fawwaz Medan Foundation.This type of
research is descriptive with a qualitative approach. The sources of information of this research are the
Tahfizh mudir (leaders), teachers, and tahfizh participants and some figures who know about the tahfizh
quarantine program. Data collection techniques carried out through interviews, participant observation,
and documents. Data analysis technique is done by data reduction, data presentation, and drawing
conclusions / verification. The findings in this study are four, namely: (1) The implementation of the
Tahfizh Al-Qur’an Quarantine Program implemented by the Foundation of the National Tahfidz Alquran
Foundation Inlight Quranic Center, Baitul Quran, and the Tahfidzul Quran Al-Fawwaz Medan Foundation
is by (a) carrying out the preparation process, determining Tahfiz quarantine schedule provided generally
three times a year the implementation of the quarantine program, namely: Tahfizh Quarantine holiday
program mid-semester, Tahfizh Quarantine Quarantine Program and, Tahfizh Quarantine Quarantine
Program at the end of semester program (b) The process of implementing the Tahfizh Quarantine
Program and (c) Output process or Tahfizh Quarantine Graduation Program (2) Supporting factors in
the Quarantine Quarantine Program at b. inlight Quranic center, Baitul Quran, and Tahfidzul Quran
Foundation Al-Fawwaz medan, namely: Motivation in memorizing the Qur’an by targeting, strengthening
interest / motivation, Time in implementing the Tahfizh of the Koran, supporting facilities and inscriptions
in the quarantine program and financing the quarantine Quarantine program (3 ) Obstacles in the
Qafiz Quarantine Quarantine Program at the Inlight Quranic Center, Baitul Quran, and the Tahfidzul
Quran Al-Fawwaz Foundation, Medan, namely that the participants of Tahfizh still need to enter the
Qur’an recitation program, the Tahfizh Quarantine Place which is not yet standard, the relatively expensive
accommodation funding. (4) Efforts to overcome the inhibiting factors of the tahfizh quarantine program
are by (a) conducting a tahfizh teacher regeneration program, (b) Organizing a Training for trainers for
educators in the tahfizh program (c) Motivating the participants of the quarantine.
Keywords: Quarantine, Tahfizh, Qur’an

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.47006/er.v3i4.6873


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