Siti Nasuha, Hasan Asari, Syaukani


The research aims to find out the learning problems of history of Indoesian Culture in
the Islamic School in Binjai City. The problem includes: (1) curriculum (2) teaching staff (3)
learning strategies and (4) aspects of learning resources. This study uses a qualitative approach.
The study was conducted on four Islamic schools in Binjai consisting of one (1) state high
school and three (3) private high of Islamic schools. The data sources of this study are data,
and documents. The research data was collected through observation, interviews, and document
analysis and using data reduction techniques, data presentation and conclusion drawing in
the school environment and in the classroom. The research subjects consisted of students and
teachers. The object of research is the learning problems of the SKI. The research instruments
are interview guides, observation sheets, and field notes. The data is analyzed by qualitative
descriptive method. Based on this qualitative descriptive analysis, some conclusions can be
found are:First, SKI learning problems of the curriculum aspects, are: (1) planning and implementation
of learning has not been fully implemented properly, (2) curriculum; the subject matter is still
too much (extensive discussion), (3) time allocation of learning is too short, (4) administration
duties of teacher are too much. Second; SKI learning problems from the aspect of teaching
staff include: (1) Qualifications, competencies, and SKI teacher certification are inadequate,
(2) Teachers teach more than one lesson and some of them teach non-cognate subject areas
(3) Teacher’s experience teaching is not professional, (4) MGMP; The Subject Teacher Conference
which was formed in November 2018 ago, has not yet proceeded in accordance with the
functions and objectives of the MGMP in Madrasah Aliyah Binjai. Third; SKI learning problems
from aspects of learning strategies include: (1) The learning methods are still conventional, (2)
Less creative learning, (3) SKI lessons are considered less important, (4) Learning at the end of
the lesson time table, (5) Differences in student education background. Fourth; SKI learning
problems from aspects of learning resources include (1) The use of audio-visual media as SKI
concrete learning and (2) Limitations of textbooks, learning support books and other teaching
aids, especially in Private Madrasah Aliyah.
Keywords: Learning Problems, Islamic Culture History, Islamic Senior High School

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