Nur Janah


Abstrak: The purpose of this study was to describe or describe strategies for organizational communication
Public Relations, PR organizational effectiveness of communication strategies, as well as factors
supporting and inhibiting komunikas oganisasi PR strategy in resolving religious conflicts in Aceh Singkil.
Methodology This study is a qualitative research with a description of the search, analyze and
make interpretation of the data found through documents, interviews and observations. The collected
data were examined its validity through the validity of the data in the form of trust. Data analysis
technique is to reduce, present, and make conclusion of the study.
Results of the study is that organizational communication strategies that do PR office of Bupati
Aceh Singkil in resolving religious conflicts is doing horizontal communication flows between the members
of the organization / employees who are in the same hierarchical level. While communication
strategies do PR office Bupati Aceh Singkil in resolving conflicts among religious adherents is a communication
strategy through conciliation, the communication strategy through negotiation or consultation
and communication strategies through mediation. While the effectiveness of the communication strategy
of the organization that conducted the Public Relations office of the Regent of Aceh Singkil in resolving
conflicts between religious communities is a formal communication such as communication by using
communication technology as a communication channel, as well as informal communication channels
such as talking directly to obtain information or provide information. Implementation of these activities
fosters a desire for greater participation in leaders and employees of the organization. With several
contributing factors: cooperation between organizations, means of communication and transport facilities,
as well as some of the inhibiting factors: lack of discipline, lack of quality skills, the location, the
different levels of education, and language differences.

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