Uswatun Hasanah, Pagar, Hafsah


ABSTRACT: The studies about “The Rights of Social Protection for Aged in
Medan Amplas based on Law No. 13 of 1998 and Islamic Law”. The study will
investigate of how is the implementation of the rights of social protection for aged
in Medan Amplas based on Law No. 13 of 1998, how is the implementation of the
rights of social protection for aged in Medan Amplas based on Islamic Law and
what is the problem and solution in implementing the social protection for aged in
Medan Amplas.The findings showed that the rights of social protection for aged in
Medan Amplas did not fulfill properly. It was based on the information which had
been got from the Social Services of Medan and also the observation and
interview which had been done. They were the rights in getting ASLUT (The
social assistance for Aged) and PKH (The Prospects of Family Program). Most of
aged did not get those kinds of aid. Moreover, there were only 175 aged who got
the ASLUT in Medan. The information had been found that the limitation of fund
from the government caused the rights for most aged didn‟t fulfill well. The case
can be the good input for government to increase the fund for the aged to fulfill
their rights of social protection.
Kata Kunci: Lanjut usia, hak perlindungan sosial, undang-undang, hukum islam

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Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara