Aplikasi Game Online Higgs Domino Island Di Kalangan Mahasiwa Dalam Perspektif Patologi Sosial

Jupalman Welly Simbolon


Higgs Domino Island is a game application or online game that can be downloaded and played easily on a smartphone or android phone. Like online games or gamesin general, this application offers many variations of games that users can choose and enjoy. However, the Higgs Domino Island application requires players to have chips (a certain amount or value) to be able to enjoy various types of gamesin the application. This study uses qualitative methods to understand social phenomena. The results showed that the necessity to have this chip turned out to be a trigger for gambling activities in the form of buying and selling chips which involved a nominal amount of money to buy chips which were then used for onlinegames which turned this online game into a form of online gambling. Game activities that are online gambling are widely available in today's society,especially among teenagers. This online game which eventually turned into an online gambling practice, of course caused a symptom of social pathology among its student users. 


Online Games, Student, Social Pathology

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30829/jisa.v5i1.11155

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